LTP: 0-930467-60-4

How would you preach on a scriptural text that calls Jews god-killers? How would you conduct a class for children on the Jewish holocaust? How would you lead a Bible group's discussion of the gospel passage, "His blood be upon us and our children"? How can you help yourself and others come to the appreciation for Judaism found in the Catholic Church since Vatican II?

In this thoughtful and vital book, a Catholic ethicist, a scripture interpreter and several others discuss difficult lectionary passages and shed clear light on some of the problems in the long history of Jewish-Christian relations. There is an illuminating discussion of that true change of heart begun by Vatican II and continuing through the Vatican's 1985 Notes on Presenting Jews and Judaism--a conversion that has yet to touch most Catholics. Sample homilies and bulletin items, General Intercessions, reflections and illustrations make this a practical resource for homilists, catechists, catechumenate directors, pastoral counselors, teachers, liturgy planners and Bible study groups.

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