
GOOD GOATS (Healing Our Image of God) by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn, and Mathew Linn ($14.95)

PP: 0-8091-3463-2

Description: A fully illustrated, full-color book that, through a blending of story, scripture and theology, tackles questions of sin, hell, vengeance in such a way that readers are led to transformation and healing in the midst of a loving, merciful and saving God.

Note To the Reader: "This book is based upon a presentation we have given at retreats for several years. Because the material seems different form what many people were taught, we usually receive questions at the end of our presentation. Thus, this book is divided into two parts. The first part, 'Healing Our Image of God' contains the simple stories included in our retreat presentation. The second part, 'Questions & Answers,' contains the way we respond to the questions we most commonly receive, as well as more technical and scholarly information. This section gives the theological foundation for the first part. Bibliographical references are given under sources. While we respect your questions, we also want to assure you that what we have written here is well within the parameters of orthodoxy of many Christian traditions, including our own Roman Catholic tradition. Otherwise, this book could not have been published, since our work must be checked for orthodoxy before we can receive an imprimipotest from the Society of Jesus. Our perspective on the mysteries of heaven and hell is not the only valid perspective, but it is one entirely orthodox perspective." - from the authors

Table of Contents

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