

ABG: 0-687-09105-5

If the churches of mainline Protestantism are to reach the pre-Christian population of North America, they must offer them a message that is clear, compelling, and grounded in the absolute truth of Scripture. In this volume Bouknight models such preaching, demonstrating how preaching that remains faithful to historic, orthodox Christian beliefs remains the only way to reach those who, weary of the non-answers given by this relativistic and skeptical age, hunger for a genuine experience of God. "Many answers have been given for the numerical decline in mainline American Protestantism during the second half of the twentieth century. While a variety of changes in both the churches and the society might account for this decline, William Bouknight insists that the place to look is the first half of the century, when new approaches to the study of the Bible questioned and relativized its claims on the beliefs and behavior of God's people. Deprived of a powerful message based on an authoritative text, Protestant preaching lost its ability to inspire, motivate, and draw people into relationship with God in Christ. The result has been the promulgation of watered-down personal opinions disguised as preaching. Little wonder that people stay away from our churches." "If the churches of the mainline are to reach the pre-Christian population of North America, they must offer them a message that is clear, compelling, and grounded in the absolute truth of Scripture. In this volume Bouknight models such preaching, demonstrating how preaching that remains faithful to historic, orthodox Christian beliefs remains the only way to reach those who, weary of the nonanswers given by this relativistic and skeptical age, hunger for a genuine experience of God."--BOOK JACKET.

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