
NUMBERS (OLD TESTAMENT LIBRARY)(Commentary by Martin Noth)($34.95)*

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Table of Contents
Translator's Prefacex
1.Name and contents of the book1
2.The growth of the book (Literary criticism and history of traditions)4
3.The significance of the book11
II.Further ordinances of God at Sinai13
1.The organization of the community of the twelve tribes: 1.1-2.3413
2.The organization of the Levites: 3.1-4.4926
3.Various divine ordinances: 5.1-6.2726
(a)The exclusion of the unclean from the camp: 5.1-445
(b)The restoration of misappropriated property: 5.5-1046
(c)The divine judgment in cases of suspected adultery: 5.11-3147
(d)The law for a Nazirite: 6.1-2152
(e)The priestly blessing: 6.22-2757
4.The offerings of the Israelite tribal representatives: 7.1-8959
5.Further divine ordinances: 8.1-9.1465
(a)The setting up of the lampstand: 8.1-465
(b)Appendix on the organization of the Levites: 8.5-2666
(c)Appendix to the Passover legislation: 9.1-1470
6.The departure from Sinai: 9.15-10.3672
III.Further sojourn in the wilderness: 11.1-20.1381
1.Disaffection of the people in the wilderness: 11.1-3581
2.Miriam and Aaron against Moses: 12.1-1691
3.Spying out the promised land: 13.1-14.4597
4.Various appendices of a cultic-ritual nature: 15.1-41112
5.The rebellions of Korah and of Dathan and Abiram: 16.1-17.11118
6.The relationship of priests and Levites to the rest of the Israelites: 17.12-18.32131
7.Preparation and use of a special water of purification: 19.1-22138
8.Once again water from the rock: 20.1-13143
IV.Preparation for and beginning of the conquest: 20.14-36.13148
1.Refusal of passage through Edom: 20.14-21148
2.The death of Aaron: 20.22-29152
3.The capture of Hormah: 21.1-3154
4.The bronze serpent: 21.4-9155
5.Camping-sites on the way: 21.10-20158
6.The first victories east of the Jordan: 21.21-35160
7.Balaam: 22.1-24.25166
8.Apostasy to Moabite idol-worship: 25.1-18194
9.Another census: 26.1-65199
10.A precedent concerning daughters' rights of inheritance: 27.1-11210
11.Intimation of the death of Moses: 27.12-23212
12.Cultic calendar: 28.1-29.40216
13.The binding nature of women's vows: 30.1-16223
14.War of vengeance against the Midianites and the subsequent division of the booty: 31.1-54226
15.The first distribution of territory east of the Jordan: 32.1-42233
16.The stations of Israel's wanderings after the exodus from Egypt: 33.1-49241
17.Directions for the future allocation of land west of the Jordan: 33.50-34.29246
18.Levitical cities and cities of refuge: 35.1-34251
19.Appendix on daughters' rights of inheritance: 36.1-13256

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