
YOUR PARTICULAR GRIEF by Wayne Oates ($19.95)*

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WJK: 0-664-24376-2

Drawing upon a lifetime of counseling experience, Wayne Oates here presents a sensitive and compassionate look at how to understand grief in our lives.

Wayne Oates, one of America's best-known and trusted counselors, sees grief as a personal experience unique to each individual, yet with characteristics that are universal. He investigates how grief is the aftermath of any deeply felt loss- not only through death but also through divorce, loss of a job, or disability. He identifies five distinct types of grief, reveals the physical and spiritual effects of grief, and discusses the emotional stages of shock, anger, disbelief, guilt, and depression that must be faced.
Invaluable for persons coping with grief as well as for their family and friends, this uplifting book offers positive support and encouragement for overcoming grief and beginning to live again. "Oates. . . very simply and dearly helps those who are grieving and their family and friends better understand grief by discussing his own particular grief." -Bookstore Journal

WAYNE E. OATES is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Louisville School of Medicine, and Senior Professor of Pastoral Care, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He is author of Temptation: A Biblical and Psychological Approach, Behind the Masks: Personality Disorders in Religious Behavior, The Christian Pastor, Pastoral Counseling, and The Religious Care of the Psychiatric Patient.

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