
ENACTING THE WORD Using Drama in Preaching by James Chatham ($12.95)*

WJK: 0-664-22570-5

The addition of simple drama to sermons is effective in bringing Bible passages alive and involving a variety of church members in preaching. In this book, James O. Chatham invites clergy to develop a use of drama to proclaim the gospel. Chatham writes that the Bible is comprised primarily of stories-stories of the relationship between God and God's people spanning over more than a thousand years-many of which are so good that they need little explanation. There is no more engaging way to tell these stories, he says, than through effective sermon drama. Chatham offers seven example dramas that are ready for use, complete with lines, stage directions and a list of characters and needed props. Drawing from both New Testament and Old Testament texts, Chatham's dramas tell the stories of the persistent widow in Luke 18, of Rahab, and of Jonah; give testimony to the re-creative power of God, God's continued calling of God's people, and the import of the Easter story in modern contexts; and provide a lesson for discerning light from darkness.

James O. Chatham is the author of Sundays Down South: A Pastor's Stories (University Press of Mississippi, 1999), for which he was awarded the Jim Angell Award for the best first book by a Presbyterian. He is pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

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