LIG: 0-7648-0567-3

Lent, the season of preparation for Christ's Resurrection at Easter, is for many Catholics a special time of prayer, fasting, and renewed spiritual focus. There is no other period in the liturgical year that so completely draws our attention to the things of God, and to the great themes and traditions of Christianity.

The Essential Lenten Handbook provides everything you need for a richer experience of the forty days before Easter. Whether you wish to follow a traditional program of Lenten devotion centered around prayer, a "modem" program that focuses on Scripture readings, a family model that brings your loved ones together for a shared spiritual journey, or a unique devotional program of your own devising, this all-in-one resource will be a treasured Lenten guide.

The Essential Lenten Handbook covers a wide range of topics including:

Follow Christ through the wilderness of Lent to the foot of the Cross, with this comprehensive, easy-to-use volume as your daily companion.

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