
ON THE LOVE OF GOD A Modern Rendition of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis ($12.95)*

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PGW: 1-84293-063-X

Thomas … Kempis lived in a world ravaged by the plague, political upheaval, and deep crisis in the Church - a world perhaps not so different from our own. Thomas chose to leave his embattled world for the monastery and devote his life to God. During his decades of cloistered life he wrote several books, the most enduring of which has been The Imitation of Christ. This extraordinary guide uses the life and teachings of Christ to impart timeless values of humility, service and self-sacrifice, respect and caring for others, and transcendence through devotion - all values sorely lacking in contemporary society. S. Abhayananda, an enlightened mystic who is not associated directly with any orthodox religion, has revised this text for all readers and removed specific Christian references. His desire to widen the already enormous audience for The Imitation of Christ led to this respectful revision for readers of any faith or tradition.

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