

RHB: 1-56742-000-1

Many people are often misled by the myth that preaching and pastoring ends in the pulpit on Sunday. Some have further suggested that the job of church administration should be left entirely to hired staff. In reality there are several components that make up the job description for a preacher and pastor; these include: Church Administration, Teaching, Preaching, Pastoral Care, Counseling, and Discipleship. Have you ever grappled with the thought of your inability to successfully carry out your duties as preacher and pastor? A Guide To Successful Preaching And Pastoring attempts to provide the necessary tools for encouraging, inspiring and strengthening teachers, preachers and pastors.

JIM HOLLEY, PhD has pastored Little Rock Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan for nineteen years. Dr. Holley is a committed Christian, eloquent preacher, wise teacher, brilliant scholar and compassionate pastor. He is a graduate of Tennessee State University, University of Chicago and Wayne State University (PhD). His religious, social and educational involvement during the past eighteen years includes participation in international conferences and extensive traveling to countries such as: Japan, Saudi Arabia, Greece, South Africa, West Africa, Nether-lands, Caribbean, Haiti, the continental U.S.A. and has visited the Holy Land. His other publications include: Handbook for Brotherhood Organizations in the Baptist Church and Brotherhood Manual and Worship Guide.

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