
Subtitled: "Bridge to a Better World". Until invited to mine its treasures, most people would not realize that there are profound riches and lessons for right living contained in a 56-word prayer: the Our Father. A treasury of human rights, the prayer resonates with practical teaching for all humanity and, as this book demonstrates, holds the key to a better world in the next millennium. Focusing especially on the themes of trespass and forgiveness, the author, a Judge of the World Court, calls on the world to translate faith into action by rescuing a sense of righteousness and moral integrity. A unique and insightful book, The Lord's Prayer can help heal the world's soul and revive the spirit of the human family. Chapter titles include: A Prayer for the Third Millenium; The Power of Prayer; The Framework of Prayer; Trespasses and Temptations of Violence; and one chapter each for Technological, Economic, Attitudinal, Social and Ethical Trespasses and Temptations. By C.G. Weeramantry. 288 pp.
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