
JULIAN OF NORWICH by Grace Jantzen ($16.95)

PP: 0-8091-3991-X

Julian of Norwich, an anchoress of the fourteenth century, has captured the imagination of our time in a remarkable way. She shares with her readers the deepest and most intimate experiences of her life through her writings. This detailed study of Julian attempts not only to penetrate her theological ideas but also bring to life her world and her life as an anchoress. Grace Jantzen has more than an academic interest in Julian's writings and sets out to integrate scholarly findings with contemporary spirituality There is much in the thought of this extraordinary woman mystic which is excitingly relevant; her insights into spiritual growth and wholeness foreshadow the modern interest in psychotherapy and her image of Christ as mother has resounding implications for Christian feminist theology. In a new introduction to this edition, the author explores what it might mean to be an anchoress in post modernity, and how reflections on Julian of Norwich and her desire for God can enable us to become the space of divine transformation. This is a book not only for those who have a scholarly interest in Julian, but for anyone drawn to Christian mysticism and the place of women within that tradition.

About the Author

Grace Jantzen is John Rylands Professorial Research Fellow and Co-director of the Centre for Religion, Culture and Gender at the University of Manchester, England. Her recent books include Becoming Divine: Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Indiana University Press, 1999), and Power and Gender in Christian Mysticism (Cambridge University Press, 1995).

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