QUOTIDIAN MYSTERIES by Kathleen Norris ($5.95)


"Laundry, liturgy and women's work all serve to ground us in the world, and they need not grind us down. Our daily tasks, whether we perceive them as drudgery or essential, life-supporting work, do not define who we are as women or as human beings. But they have considerable spiritual import, and their significance for Christian theology, the way they come together in the fabric of faith, is not often appreciated."

In this insightful and deeply personal book, Kathleen Norris, an award-winning poet and author of both Dakota: A Spiritual Geography and The Cloister Walk, draws on her life experiences, her poetry and her love of the Benedictine tradition to discuss the mysterious way that the daily or "quotidian" can open us to the transforming presence of God.

The definition of "quotidian": occurring every day; belonging to every day; commonplace, ordinary.

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