
JOSHUA AND THE CITY by Joseph Girzone ($12.95)*

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RH: 0-385-48569-7

The fourth installment in the Joshua series, Joshua and the City reaches some encouraging and very important conclusions. In an urban community where poverty, senseless violence, racism, and AIDS seem like insurmountable problems, Joshua manages to sow seeds of renewal with his words of love. He reaches out to every person with trans forming openness, showing how to regenerate the city and bring about undreamed-of economic revitalization. Yet, many other problems remain that money cannot help. And it is, most importantly, to these that Joshua addresses his healing message. In a world of despairing doubt, Joshua and the City gives the reader hopeful answers that lead toward peace and understanding.

JOSEPH GIRZONE retired from the active priesthood in 1983 for health reasons. He then embarked on the surprising writing career that has brought him millions of readers and admirers. Among his best-selling titles are Joshua and Never Alone: A Personal Way to God. He lives in Altamont, New York.

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