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This book contains a collection of rites and texts for use during the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist. It is so arranged that it may be used for a period lasting one or several days according to local custom or pastoral need. The Introduction provides a brief historical overview of the practice of the Forty Hours Devotion, as well as a theological treatment of eucharistic exposition and adoration. This theological section is based upon nos. 79-92 of the Roman Ritual: Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass. The remainder of the Introduction consists of a compilation of the rubrical directives relating to exposition of the eucharist which are found in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass.

Solemn exposition begins with the celebration of the eucharist, followed by the exposition of the blessed sacrament after communion. The appropriate texts and rubrics for this liturgy are given in chapter 1.

In order to provide periods for liturgical prayer during the period of exposition, three types of services are provided in chapters 2 through 4: The Liturgy of the Hours during the Period of Exposition, Eucharistic Services of Prayer and Praise, and Celebration of the Eucharist during the Period of Exposition: 1) The texts of the Liturgy of the Hours, that is, Evening Prayer I, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer II, are taken from the office for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ and are set to music for congregational use. 2) Two Eucharistic Services of Prayer and Praise are provided in chapter 3 for use at any time during the period of exposition. They are given as models and may be adapted or replaced by similar services. 3) Suggested texts for the Celebration of the Eucharist during the Period of Exposition are given in chapter 4 in order to assist in the planning of the celebration of Mass during solemn exposition.

Two forms for the Closing Celebration for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist comprise chapter 5. The first takes place during Mass; the second is for those occasions when Mass is not celebrated.

Appendices provide a listing of suggested Scripture readings for use in each of the celebrations, some optional litanies and prayers, and music resources.

The reference numbers for the Scripture readings are to the second edition of the Lectionary for Mass. Those who are responsible for planning solemn exposition should freely choose from these resources. It is not expected that all the rites will be used on each occasion, but that a suitable selection will be made. These services may also be used as resources and models for other occasions besides solemn exposition when exposition, adoration, and benediction take place.

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