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Easter Sunday
April 23, 2000

Homily Code: B-3

Today we celebrate the greatest mystery in our faith ... the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Do you understand how anyone could rise from the dead? I don’t. I could quote passages from the old and new testament but even then we wouldn’t understand how such an event could happen. It remains a mystery.

So, let me ask you a question. Don’t answer aloud but answer in your mind and your heart. "Do you really believe that Jesus rose from the dead?" Be careful because your answer carries profound implications.

Other than jesus rasing Lazarus and the Jewish official’s daughter from the dead, have you ever heard of anyone else who was raised from the dead? I have discussed this question with a few Catholic experts and there doesn’t seem to be any record of it happening. Moses didn’t rise from the dead, Julius Caesar didn’t, Muhammad didn’t, Ghandi didn’t and Mother Teresa didn’t. The simple truth is that Jesus, and the other two individuals I mentioned, were the only people in history to rise from the dead. Therefore, the significance of our presence here today is that we believe He rose from the dead and proved that He was God. And so our answer to the question would be, "Yes, I believe Jesus rose from the dead."

In saying that, however, we must recognize there is another fact that we must believe. If He rose from the dead then everything he taught during His life was TRUE!!! Before He rose from the dead He said, "I am the way..... the truth ......and the light". He indicated that His teachings are what we must follow to gain Heaven. Now we might say, "Wait a minute, I didn’t think His resurrection meant all that." Yes, it does. That’s why He rose. Nothing could be more convincing.

What is the most important implication as far as we are concerned? The answer to that is simple .... WE ARE RIGHT ... being here this morning to worship Jesus and His Father.

A large section of our society here in the United States and throughout the world constantly tells us, "Jesus Christ was not God and I don’t have to follow His commandments or His teachings." Well, whose teachings should we follow? Is there any other individual who has given such proof that his or her teachings are authentic? Has any one else ever risen from the dead? The answer is "No".

I don’t mean to be judgmental or mean spirited when I say that everyone must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. In today’s society many say, "Don’t bother me with facts. You believe in Jesus if you want to but don’t impose your views on me!"

Well, that’s fine except that if we have this discussion with someone, we both can’t be right, can we? So, therefore, we need not chastise others for their beliefs but we know, in our minds and in our hearts, that the way we have chosen is the right way.

But are we really convinced? I’ll ask the young people here this morning? Do you believe that by His resurrection Jesus proved, beyond any doubt, that He is God and we should abide by His teachings? Do we as young adults, middle aged individuals or senior citizens really believe that He rose from the dead?

That’s the basic decision every individual on this earth must make and there’s a strong indication that everyone here this morning has made that decision. But it’s not something we can celebrate just on Easter Sunday or on Christmas. If Jesus is God, then we must recognize that fact every day of our lives. We recognize it because of the joyful message He brings us.

Thjere is a second implication in His resurrection. He also said, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." Is it easy to keep His commandments? No! Is it easy to love others as He loved us and share our time, treasure and talent with those in need? Was it easy for His disciples to accept the proof of His resurrection? No. They spent 3 years with Him, they heard Him say He would rise but still, after His crucifixion, they huddled together in the upper room, afraid to go out among the Jews for fear they too would be martyred. Today’s gospel indicates they couldn’t understand what was happening.

True, there are conditions we must fulfill to join Him for eternity. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, that everything He asks of us in perfectly reasonable.

But as we consider what He asks that we do let us also consider the rewards He promises. "The mind of man cannot even comprehend what My Father has prepared for those who love Him." This is why Jesus came to earth, was crucified and rose from the dead.

Listen to the words of His Father, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life." Eternal life!!!! That’s the promise Jesus gives to us.

And that’s not all. Later this morning we will experience another great miracle. We will receive His body and blood. We may not fully understand how this miracle happens at each Mass but we remember His words. He said, very clearly, "This is My body and this is My blood." He didn’t say, "This REPRESENTS my body and my blood," and then He added, "Do this in memory of Me." I don’t understand how He could rise from the dead and I also don’t understand how bread and wine can become His body and blood. However, because of His resurrection, I do believe that He is God. When I contemplate that many in our modern culture look upon us as misguided zealots, I know we are not. We can be confident we really have been given the way, the truth and the light.

We know this because JESUS CHRIST HAS RISEN. ALLELUIA!!!!


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