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Advent 1B

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2023)

Members see 27 resources in this category.

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2023)

Members see 23 resources in this category.

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2020 to 2022)

Members see 14 resources in this category.

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2014 to 2016)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Members see 22 resources in this category.

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(Archives)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Members see 20 resources in this category.

Music Suggestions

Members see 48 resources in this category.

Worship Resources (2023)

Members see 33 more resources in this category.

Worship Resources (2020 to 2022)

Members see 27 resources in this category.

Worship Resources (2017 to 2019)

Members see 23 resources in this category.

Worship Resources (2014 to 2016)

Members see 16 more resources in this category.

Worship Resources (2011 to 2013)

Members see 22 resources in this category.

Currently Unavailable

Members see 25 more resources in this category.