Prayers for Worship
Easter 3
April 26, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Jesus stands among us and says, “Peace be with you.”
People: We look at his hands and feet; he eats broiled fish in our presence.
Leader: He opens our minds to understand the scriptures.
People: Through Christ we are called children of God.
Leader: When Christ is fully revealed we will be like him.
People: He is what we shall be. Alleluia!

Prayer of Invocation

Author of Life, we are witnesses of your Resurrection. Guide our work this hour with the Holy Spirit, that this sacred time may proclaim the salvation we all have because of you. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

God of the Covenant, repeatedly we have rejected Christ, have handed him over to death. We have denied him, betrayed him. People deceive us away from you. You open our minds to understand the scriptures, but then we snap our minds shut. You make us witnesses, but we close our eyes. We are guilty of lawlessness.

For the sake of the Risen Messiah, forgive us. We repent and turn to you so that our sins may be wiped out. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Alleluia! Jesus Christ was revealed to take away our sins. God, the defender of our cause, has answered us. The Almighty has set us free from sin.
People: God, you have put gladness in our hearts, more than when grain and wine abound. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Holy Spirit, through the Word free us from deception so that we do what is righteous. So be it.

Prayers of the People

Abiding Adonai, you have forgiven and renewed us, the baptized, over and over. We recall with gratitude your servants Philip and James. We praise you for Catherine of Siena and Athanasius. Embolden us to be more faithful witnesses. Holy and Righteous One, (congregational response: guide us to taste and see your goodness.).

Abiding Adonai, we thank you for the United States and for the beauty of the human race all around the world. Bless President Obama, Congress, and politicians everywhere. Watch over soldiers of every nation, that there may be peace for the world. Holy and Righteous One, . . .

Abiding Adonai, you have enriched our lives with good family and good friends. Help us to make peace with our enemies and to lay aside dysfunction. Holy and Righteous One, . . .

Abiding Adonai, you have cared for our bodies, souls, and minds. Bring healing to those in need, including the people we mention now in our hearts or aloud [Add names]. Holy and Righteous One, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here...)

These prayers are for you. May they glorify you, including by bringing healing to those in need. In your name we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We offer the appointed sacrifices and put our trust in you.


Leader: The Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, guide us to be witnesses.
People: Tonight, we will down and sleep in peace, for God alone makes us rest secure.
