Prayers for Worship
Lent 2
March 8, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Get behind us, Satan! By the power of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
People: we are setting our minds, not on human things, but divine things.
Leader: With no shame we take up the cross and follow Christ,
People: walking in the shadow of the Cross that has saved our lives.

Prayer of Invocation

God of Abraham and Sarah, of Peter and the Twelve, through Christ alone you have reckoned our faith as righteousness. Teach and encourage us to take up the way of suffering every day, not to earn glory for ourselves, but to glorify you by serving you and the neighbor. In the name of the Son of Man we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Covenantal God, we are sinful dust. We trust our good deeds to save us instead of your amazing grace. We water-down the significance of our baptism. We make one tiny sacrifice, call it taking up the cross, and then call it a day. We obsess over clinging to the stuff of this life instead of letting go so we can grab your outstretched hand. We doubt your faithfulness. We become satanic with our good intentions as we get in your way.

For the sake of the Crucified God, forgive us. Strengthen our faith in your faithfulness. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: You who fear the LORD, give praise!
People: Even though we are dust, we shall live, kneeling before God.
Leader: Through the excruciating cross God forgives us all our sins, every single one.
People: The LORD keeps his promises, ever faithful to the covenant.

Prayer of Inspiration

Spirit, immediately drive us out into the Word, that we may see the Promised Land in the cross and the empty tomb. Yes.

Prayers of the People

Our God, Our God, sometimes we think you have forsaken us, but you have been with the Church always. We praise you for the baptized, the communion of saints. Embolden us to carry the cross, confident in your compassion. Lord, (congregational response: You have acted.).

Liberator, we praise you for noble leaders, including Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. We praise you for Gregory the Great. Help us to follow these examples for your glory and the freeing of all from sin and death. Lord, . . .

God of Abraham and Sarah, Esther and Mordecai, we exalt you for our Jewish siblings as they celebrate Purim. Bless their festival with joy, safety, peace, and devotion to you. Lord, . . .

Queen of all, King of the universe, we thank you for humanity's rainbow diversity. Bless the United States and nations all around the planet. Inspire us toward peace of the deepest and broadest kind. Lord, . .

God of sun, we look forward to more daylight. As we adjust to Daylight Savings Time, compel us to be better stewards of every hour. Lord, . . .

Our God, Our God, over and over have you granted us healing. Touch those in need of healing now, including [Add names]. Give us the wisdom not to forsake one another but to help each other. Lord, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here...)

We are not ashamed of you, Almighty. We give you these prayers, fully convinced that you have cared for us already and will continue. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We offer you these gifts in the sight of those who fear and love you.


Leader: The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has blessed us here in the cruciform shadow,
People: so now we go, ready to make sacrifices for God's glory and the care of others, thankful for those who will make sacrifices to glorify God and care for us. Amen.
