Prayers for Worship
Lent 3
March 15, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: The heavens declare the glory of God,
People: and the sky proclaims its maker's handiwork.
Leader: The teaching of the LORD is perfect
People: and revives the soul.
Leader: We worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
People: zeal for God's house and commandments consuming us.

Prayer of Invocation

Wisdom-Source, you give us commandments to help us Live. Fill us with passion for your teachings, especially the greatest teaching, the cruciform foolish-wisdom. In the name of the Cleansing Messiah we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Torah-Adonai, you brought us out of slavery and into the Promised Land, but we rush into the wilderness of Sin. We build idols out of everything and everyone, from athletes to gadgets. We toss your name around like it's nothing. We make excuses to avoid attending worship. We forget our parents. We kill with our words and neglect. We cheat on each other, con each other, make up lies about one another. We want what others have, green with envy for the grass on the other side.

For the sake of the Purifying Savior, forgive us. Scrub us clean of worldly foolishness. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Who can detect one's own offenses? God alone cleanses us from all our faults, both secret and known. Through Christ crucified, the LORD our God forgives us all our sins and leads us back home, makes us worthy of his Temple.

Prayer of Inspiration

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, our strength and our redeemer.

Prayers of the People

Lord of Sinai, your statutes are just and rejoice our heart. Your commandments are not a burden but are clear and give light to our eyes. We thank you for your Torah, your teaching, that leads us to live like the saved, baptized saints that we are because of Christ. Sophia-God, (congregational response: your zeal renews us.).

Lord of Moses, you have blessed the Church with courageous, determined leaders, including Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland. Inspire us to be cleansing proclaimers and liberators. Sophia-God, . . .

Lord of the Law, you have made humanity, including the United States, wondrous in its diversity. Guide us all around the world, leader and citizen alike, that we may cleanse creation , including our own hearts, of hatred and prejudice. Sophia-God, . . .

Lord of the Cross, over and over you have healed us. Send healing to those in need now, particularly those we mention in our hearts or aloud at this time [Add names]. Sophia-God, . . .

Lord of Liturgy, sometimes we misuse the church building. We treat it like a business, a museum, or a club, forgetting that it is a house of worship. Help us to use the church building for you. Sophia-God, . . .

Lord of Life, we thank you for Christ saving us through the foolishness of the cross. Bless those who mourn. Use us in the Church to comfort the bereaved. Sophia-God, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here....)

Lord of Sinai, we elevate these prayers to you, full of praise for your weakness, which is far greater than human strength. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We present this offering, not for our gain, but for your glory, including through serving the neighbor and revering your house.


Leader: On this sabbath have we served you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
People: and you have blessed us to share your wisdom, keeping your commandments. So be it.
