Prayers for Worship
Epiphany 2
January 18, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: We are to come and see.
People: The Lord has searched us out and known us.
Leader: God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, calls us, the baptized,
People: and we respond by saying, “Speak, for your servants are listening.”

Prayer of Invocation

Holy Spirit, we praise you for enabling us to answer Christ's call to follow him. Continue to lead us, so that with our hearts, words, and bodies, we may act in accord with the one who has bought us for salvation, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

We have sinned against you over and over, Almighty Lord. We try to hide from you, fearing your presence. People blaspheme you, and we do nothing in response. We desecrate our bodies with foolish sexual practices. We are snobby about certain places, doubting anything good can come from them. We embrace stereotypes and prejudices. You call us, but we ignore you or do not hear you because we are busy with lesser things.

For the sake of our Rabbi, Jesus Christ, forgive us. Call us again.

Words of Assurance

Alleluia! Through the Rabbi's blood, we have forgiveness of every single one of our sins, no matter how many. The Son of Man has saved us and has summoned us anew to come and see his powerful mercy.

Prayer of Inspiration

Paraclete, shape our proclamation of the Word, that we all may follow God.

Prayers of the People

One God, you have made the Church, the baptized, to be one body. Often we divide ourselves from each other. During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, teach us to live according to the unity you have given us. Help us to have the wisdom to be one even when we disagree on significant issues. Lord of Discipleship, (congregational response: we follow you.).

We are in awe of the Church's many admirable leaders. We praise you for martyrs such as Agnes and Henry, bishop of Uppsala. Endow us with the courage to emulate them with self-sacrifice that honors you. Lord of Discipleship, . . .

Over and over have you blessed the United States. We give thanks for President Bush's service and for President-Elect Obama's inauguration. Bless this transition and bless President Obama, that he may have the wisdom and bold humility needed to lead the nation toward peace and economic recovery. Help us citizens to do our part, as well, and to be patient with our leaders. Remind us that substantial change often takes a long time. Lord of Discipleship, . . .

Liberator, we honor you for your servant, Martin Luther King, Jr. Give us the vision, tenacity, and courage – the theoptimism – to continue his work so that, someday, all people will be equal and free. Lord of Discipleship, . . .

Adonai of pleasure, we find delightful and exciting sexuality. Endow us with the sense to use it according to your will and not to give it more or less importance than it warrants. Lord of Discipleship, . . .

God of Compassion, you have covered us with healing. Cover those in need of healing now, particularly those we mention in our hearts or aloud [Add names]. We praise you for your mercy. Lord of Discipleship, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here...)

We entrust these prayers to you, Omniscient God, full of faith in your love for us. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

As wise men and women, we give to you what is your own as part of adoring you, the Star's source and destination.


Leader: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the God in whose name we baptize, has called us, taught us, and strengthened us.
People: Now we go to bid others to come and see. Alleluia!
