Prayers for Worship
Pentecost 24
November 15, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Over and over the world ends, and we become afraid.
People: God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is with us even when the building collapses.
Leader: When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed;
People: We are to beware that no one leads us astray, and we are to provoke one another to love and good deeds.


Holy Spirit, you fill us with courage to face the troubles of the times. Nourish us through this worship service, so that we can be steadfast in loving unity every single day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Lord of Kairos, you have sent Christ to offer for all time a single sacrifice for sins. We continue to let you down. We obsess over the endtimes, full of anxiety instead of confidence in you. We dread the end, ignoring the new beginnings that you grow out of it. We neglect to meet together and fail to provoke one another to love and good deeds. We tend to beat each other down instead of encouraging each other.

For the sake of the Melchizedek-Messiah, forgive us. Sprinkle us clean. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Christ the Lamb-Priest has washed us clean of all sin. Christ gives you a new beginning, recreates you through forgiveness of your sins. God remembers our sins and lawless deeds no more. We get to start over. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Just as you have guided Michael, guide us now through the sermon. So be it.

Prayers of the People

Resurrection-Lord, you rebuild the Church over and over, from age to age. We exalt you for Elizabeth of Hungary and other renewers of society. Use us for renewal, full of courage anchored in faith in you. O God, (congregational response: you show us the path of life.).

Resurrection-Lord, legions of people fail to attend church regularly. Help us to encourage one another to meet. O God, . . .

Resurrection-Lord, you have molded our nation with blessings. Sculpt us to join with other nations according to your will, not turn against them. Give wisdom to the Senate as it deliberates over health care reform. O God, . . .

Resurrection-Lord, you have healed us, renewed us in many and various ways. Renew people in need now, including those we mention in our hearts or with our mouths. [Add names]. O God, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

Resurrection-Lord, we hand you our prayers, our hearts glad and our spirits rejoicing; our bodies rest in hope. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

Birth Pang-God, we give you this offering, knowing that you are making all things new.


Leader: Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we leave to provoke one another to love and good deeds,
People: and we promise to continue to meet together and encourage each other, and all the more when the Day is approaching.
