Prayers for Worship
Epiphany 6
February 12, 2012

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Lord of Love,
People: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Leader: you make us clean.
People: You purify us to run the race. Alleluia!


Agape-Adonai, you have renewed us, washed away our leprosy. Grant us the wisdom to diagnose leprosy and then be your agents of healing with your holy love. In the name of Christ we pray by the power of the Paraclete. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Forgive us, God. We are quick to be like Naaman, full of stupid, stubborn pride. We contaminate ourselves and then fail to turn to you for healing. We neglect the needs of others. We drive away lepers instead of drawing them closer. You coach us to run the race, but we sit on the couch instead.

In the name of our Savior, forgive us. Wash us off. Yes.

Words of Assurance

Alleluia, Christ has made you clean. The Almighty forgives you every single one of your sins, forgets all about them. God’s anger lasts a split-second, but God’s love goes on forever. Allleuia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Holy Spirit, infuse this sermon with the Word, that we may embody your love.

Prayers of the People

Source of Love, you have blessed us with the Church. We praise you for leaders such as Valentine. Fill us with power to cleanse lepers. We know that even when weeping lasts the night, (congregational response: joy comes in the morning.).

God of Charity, your creation is astounding. We thank you for each member of creation, including the seven billion people on the planet. Bless the United States and people of every nation. Grant us the wisdom and courage to be compassionate, remembering that even when weeping lasts the night, . . . .

We thank you for your servant Abraham Lincoln. Reteach us that Christ emancipates us to emancipate others. We emancipate because we know that even when weeping lasts the night, . . .

Mama of Creation, we praise you for Charles Darwin, who, like Lincoln, was born on this date. Many in the Church have a knee-jerk reaction against Darwin. Guide us in the Church on a voyage of discovering that one can embrace both science and religion, that the two need not be mutually exclusive. As we travel on our voyage, help us to remember that, even when weeping lasts the night, . . .

Mother, you cleanse us of leprosies. Heal all in need, including everyone we mention now [Add names.]. Strengthen us to run the race that leads to healing, remembering with every step and pant that weeping may last the night but . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

Each of these prayers we place in your hands in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


ffertory Prayer

May our offering help to cleanse the world. Yes.


Leader: Christ has made you clean.
People: The Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit, has washed us.
Leader: Go, tell all the towns the Good News.
People: Alleluia!
