Prayers for Worship
Epiphany 5
February 15, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: O LORD our God, we cry to you for help,
People: and you heal us.
Leader: We worship you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
People: thankful for the joy that shines this morning.
Leader: Full of compassion, you have made us clean.
People: We respond by proclaiming the Good News freely.

Prayer of Invocation

Abba, through Christ you have yanked us from Sheol. You have granted us a lifetime of favor. Cleanse us to reach with greater compassion to outcasts. In the name of the Compassionate Healer we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

God of Naaman, we have sinned against you. We have been stubborn against your healing power because of our childish pride. We have sustained our anger for years, our favor for seconds. We have lacked self-discipline. We have allowed both body and soul to become flabby. We have shunned society's lepers. We have resisted your cleansing power.

For the sake of the Greatest Physician, make us clean, new. Wash us, forgive us. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: God's anger is but for a moment;
People: the Lord's favor is for a lifetime.
Leader: Moved with pity, Christ has touched us with forgiveness.
People: Through forgiving us, Jesus has turned our mourning into dancing. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Coaching Spirit, through the Word strengthen the muscles of our souls.

Prayers of the People

You have filled us with humble joy over your heartfelt pity for us. We praise you for all the ways you heal body, soul, heart, and mind. Stretch out your hand and touch with healing those we mention now: [Add names]. Hear, O LORD, (congregational response: and be gracious to us.).

We are grateful, God, for the Church. We extol you for Martin Luther as we recall his death. Fill us with the courage to reform the Church in accord with your will. Help us to take a stand for compassionate, inclusive justice. Hear, O LORD, . . .

Ruler, you have blessed the United States with many wise and dedicated Presidents. We offer special thanks for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Bless President Obama as he grapples with enormous problems. Lead him to do your work, and lead us, the citizens, to support and respect him. Hear, O LORD, . . .

Supreme Singer, we are repeatedly grateful for music. Lead us to use this magnificent gift for your glory and the benefit of others. Hear, O LORD, . . .

You stretch to us to give us life. Bring comfort to those who mourn. Grant extra comfort to those who grieve now [Add names]. Hear, O LORD, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here...)

All these prayers we stretch toward you, knowing that, with you, weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning. In the name of the Risen Son we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We lift these gifts to you as part of giving you thanks forever.


Leader: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we, the cleansed,
People: leave here to proclaim the Good News freely and to spread the word.
Leader: As the saved, we run the race to win the prize of sharing Christ with as many as possible.
People: Alleluia!
