Prayers for Worship
Last Sunday after Epiphany
February 22, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Alleluia! The mighty light of God transfigures us.
People: Alleluia for the holy metamorphosis!
Leader: We glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
People: Through Christ, the Lord has numbered us among the beloved.
Leader: Alleluia;
People: Alleluia!

Prayer of Invocation

Theo-luminiscent Lord, we cannot thank you enough for the Effulgent Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, whose light has scattered the obtuse darkness. We praise you for the stunning illumination of that light, which graces our worship service and lives for your glory. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Revealer, we have sinned against you. We turn a blind eye to your light. We put money in the plate, but we fail to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. We promise you the sun and the moon, but then we offer you only a candle. We refuse discipline and throw your words behind our backs. We make friends with the wrong crowd. We drool nastiness, claiming that we have to because we are helpless victims.

For the sake of the Radiant Savior, forgive us. Reignite our devotion to you. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Alleluia! The Messiah of Elijah and Moses has forgiven us by his blood.
People: We receive a double share of the blazing Spirit.
Leader: Our sins lasted the night, but the Morning has ended them.
People: We offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Spirit of Moses and Elijah, unveil the Good News to us. Help us to marvel on the mountaintop and then descend to serve the world.

Prayers of the People

Source of Fire and River, you have filled the Church with blessings. You have given us baptism and holy communion. You have opened our eyes with Scripture. You have led us with admirable martyrs such as Polycarp and deaconesses such as Elizabeth Fedde. You have supplied us with apostles such as Matthias. Without ceasing, you have filled us with light. (congregational response: Praise you, O Lord.).

Supreme Wisdom, we praise you for the United States of America and every nation, the entire rainbow of humanity. You have led and taught us through astute, caring leaders such as George Washington. It is easy for us to get discouraged today, but you teach us without ceasing to march away from darkness. You have filled us with light . . .

Every soldier is one of your precious children, and we care for them as part of honoring you who have filled us with light. . . .

We look forward to the beginning of Lent, that sacred spring-cleaning of the soul, when we increase our attention to Christ's suffering and death, the shadows which fill us with light . . .

We have faith in your healing power. We are confident that you care for people with special needs, including those we mention now [Add names]. Even in the valley of the shadow of death you fill us with light . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here...)

Leader: Alleluia, for God has heard our prayers and will transform them into blessings.

People: Alleluia!

Offertory Prayer

Before your altar we offer these gifts as part of our sacrifice of thanksgiving.


Leader: Alleluia;
People: Alleluia!
Leader: God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bids us leave the mount;
People: the Trinity goes with us to the plain.
Leader: Alleluia -
People: Alleluia!
