Poem/Prayer for Worship

Poem/Prayer for Worship by Thom Shuman
sitting duck
i would wear steel-toed boots to nudge my friends out of the way, or high-heeled boots so i am not dirtied by the muck of the world, but you rub my Achilles' heel raw with the pebble of servanthood; i would take self-defense courses to protect myself from all the blows the world throws at me, but you pull off my gloves and show me the wide open stance of grace; i would build a fence of cynicism and doubt around my soul so no one can sneak past with their pain and need, but you hold out your heart to me, naked and bleeding from its brokenness. Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me: so when I want to be safe and secure, i can become a sitting duck for your vulnerability. (c) 2006 Thom M. Shuman

(Comments to Thom at tmshuman@fuse.net.)

Greenhills Community Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio