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July 13
Marked for Freedom

Psalm 24; 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12-19; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

There is some pretty heavy stuff in this series of readings. King David is in an exultant mood as he accompanies the reclaimed Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence, into Jerusalem. But the danger of familiarity with God and assuming that God can be controlled by humans is sharply exposed (2 Samuel 6:6-8). David realizes that there are limits to his influence and power, and the psalmist reminds us clearly that the true presence of God is available only to those who are clean of hands and pure of heart.

Mark confronts us with a story of the apparent victory of evil over good. Herod and the coalition of government, political, and commercial interests represented at his dinner party seek to terminate the prophetic criticism that calls for an end to double standards. John's summary execution, on the scheming whim of one of the accused parties, is typical of tyrannical activity in every age.

Against the background of emperor worship and relentless persecution of the Christian community by religious and secular authorities, Paul offers a theological treatise on the nature of the salvation of God. He reminds us of the everlasting nature of God's presence, and reiterates to those in fear that before the world was made God marked us out to be adopted children in Christ. Paul declares that there are limits to the oppressive powers; God's pledge is that when the times have run their course, everything will be brought under Christ.

Reflection and Action

These readings call us to a renewal of our faith in the victory of God. They invite us to honor God's sovereignty, to recognize the limits of secular power, and to revisit the source of our salvation. How might you do this in your life, community, and church?

PETER B. PRICE is general secretary of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, an Anglican mission agency based in London, and practices—with his wife, Dee—a ministry of hospitality.

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From Sojourners Online, copyright 1997 Sojourners, July-August 1997, Vol. 26, No. 4.