March 4 – Second Sunday in Lent

March 4 – Second Sunday in Lent


Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16

The covenant between Abram, Sarai, and God.


Psalm 22:23–31 (VU p. 746 Parts Three and Four)

You have not hidden your face, O God.


Romans 4:13–25

God’s promise rests on grace and faith.


Mark 8:31–38

Those who lose their life for the gospel will save it.


Display or project pictures showing differences, e.g., ethnicities/nationalities/heritages, ages, styles of dress, hair colour, eye colour.

Theme Engagement Question

How is losing our life in God different from losing our life in work, finances, perfectionism?

With Children

Drape a large sheet or blanket over your shoulders. Set out two of your favourite foods on either side of you. Have the children help you decide which food you will focus on. Then as you move toward that food item, wrap the blanket/sheet around you and have the children help you get more and more tightly wrapped in the blanket/sheet, until you can barely reach the one item and cannot reach the other. Look at the food item you can’t reach and share with the children how sometimes we get so wrapped up in one thing, we lose the chance to enjoy the variety of all God offers us. As much as eating one favourite thing seems good at the time, it is in variety and balance that we experience a full life and get to understand God better. Ask the children to help you get disentangled.

Sermon Starter

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in something that it becomes all-consuming. What was once life-giving can become life-denying, even one’s greatest passion, e.g., parenting, work, ideals, dreams. What are we fixated on at this moment, something that once gave vision and hope and life, but is now a burden and no longer life-giving? What do we need to let go of so we can be mindful of life in its full array, remembering that “life” can also mean “soul” or “spirit”? The Mark passage invites us to consider what losing our life really means.


Hebrew Scripture

VU 236            “Now thank we all our God”

VU 580            “Faith of our fathers”

VU 634            “To Abraham and Sarah”

VU 707            “For the faithful who have answered”

MV 148           “Hope of Abraham and Sarah”



MV 30             “It’s a song of praise to the Maker”

MV 62             “There is room for all”

MV 190           “Laughter lit the stars of morning”



VU 288            “Great is thy faithfulness”

VU 589            “Lord, speak to me”

MV 191           “What can I do?”



VU 567            “Will you come and follow me”

VU 670            “Precious Lord, take my hand