March 15 – Third Sunday in Lent

March 15 – Third Sunday in Lent



Lectionary readings from Vanderbilt Divinity Library online



Exodus 20:1–17

The Ten Commandments.

Psalm 19 (VU pgs. 740–741)

The heavens declare the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18–25

God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.

John 2:13–22

Jesus clears the temple.



Put up signs around the church, e.g., No Men, No Children, and No Families. At the start of the service, spend a moment inviting people’s responses to the signs.


With Children

Talk about rules at home, such as rules about bedtime and watching TV, and rules that are followed while playing games. Ask: Why do we have rules? God gave us rules to help us, and we try to follow them today.


Sermon Starter

The sermon might explore when rules are meant to be broken. Compare humanity’s versus God’s rules. We have ambivalent feelings toward rules—they are important for others to follow but not us!


Develop a modern version of the Ten Commandments, e.g. a modern tenth commandment might include references to a Lexus car, designer clothes, and “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality.



Hebrew Scriptures

VU 260            “God who gives to life its goodness”

VU 368            “Holy Spirit, truth divine”

VU 701            “What does the Lord require of you?”

MV 151           “Your will be done”



VU 297            “All praise to you”



VU 120            “O Jesus, I have promised”

VU 574            “Come, let us sing of a wonderful love”

VU 615            “When quiet peace is shattered”

MV 162           “Christ, within us hidden”



VU 571            “Eternal ruler of the ceaseless round”

MV 138           “My love colours outside the lines”


Call to Worship (based on Psalm 19)

The heavens declare the glory of God!

God’s handiwork surrounds us
in each new day!

May the words of my mouth be acceptable
in the Lord’s sight!

May the quiet thoughts of my heart
give God glory!


The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul!

God’s commandment is pure,
and gives light to my eyes!

To fear the Lord is a clean thing
and gives a clean heart!

The judgments of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether!


Neil Young, Erindale United Church, Mississauga, Ont.