August 23 – Twelfth after Pentecost

August 23 – Twelfth after Pentecost



Lectionary readings from Vanderbilt Divinity Library online



1 Kings 8:22–30, 41–43

Solomon promises to follow God’s ways.

Psalm 84 (VU pgs. 800–801)

How lovely is your dwelling place, O God.

Ephesians 6:10–20

Put on the whole armour of God.

John 6:56–69

To whom do we go? You have the words of
eternal life.


Have someone dressed in armour (costume pieces or made of bristol board) say the following call to worship and stand at the front during the Ephesians reading:

Call to Worship

Put on the whole armour of God.

We will put on the whole armour of God.

I have put truth around my waist.

We will put truth around our waists.

I have put on the breastplate of righteousness.

We have put on the breastplate of righteousness.

My feet have been prepared with the gospel of peace.

May our feet have the gospel of peace.

I carry the shield of faith.

We carry the shield of faith.

I have my helmet of salvation.

We have our helmets of salvation.

I have my sword of the spirit.

We have our swords of the spirit.

May we all speak the gospel boldly with
our lives.

Let us pray:

O Holy One, you have called us to put on the whole armour. May we be diligent in our promise to do this each and every day of our lives. Amen.

With Children

Do you know what a promise is? (Invite definitions.) Do you ever make promises and then not keep them? (Share a personal example.) Do you know the One who makes promises and always keeps them? God! With God’s help, we can keep the promises we make, too. Let us pray:

Dear God, thank you for keeping your promises to us.

Help us to keep the promises we make, too.


Sermon Starter

After being instructed in Ephesians to put on the whole armour of God, we hear in the John reading, “You have the words of eternal life.” These two readings give much to meditate upon. What might it mean in today’s world situation to encourage our congregations to become soldiers for Christ?

The armour of God named in Ephesians is very different from the armour of Canadian soldiers, but it serves a similar purpose—to protect the soldier and to allow the soldier to go into challenging situations. Putting on the armour of God is not an easy job, but it is one that is worthy of our attention. Maybe we can each select one piece of the armour and work at making it our special piece.

The psalm crowns these readings with praise and hope. May others see our happiness as we wear the armour of God.


Hebrew Scripture

VU 661            “Come to my heart, Lord Jesus”

MV 6               “Holy Spirit, come into our lives”

MV 99             “Stand, O stand firm”


VU 279            “You, God, are my firmament”

MV 92             “Like a rock”


VU 571            “Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round”

VU 674            “Fight the good fight”

VU 686            “God of grace and God of glory”

MV 24             “Breath of God, Breath of peace”


VU 382            “Breathe on me, breath of God”

VU 500            “Blessed Jesus, at your word”

VU 582            “There’s a spirit in the air”

MV 102           “Jesus, your Spirit in us”