August 26 – Thirteenth after Pentecost

August 26 – Thirteenth after Pentecost


1 Kings 8:(1, 6, 10–11), 22–30, 41–43

Solomon calls on God to keep God’s promise.


Psalm 84 (VU pp. 800–801)

How lovely is your dwelling place, O God.


Ephesians 6:10–20

Put on the whole armour of God.


John 6:56–69

“To whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.”


Set up a display of Roman-styled armour on a dressmaker’s form with the words “God’s armour” attached.

Theme Engagement Question

What have you embraced and what have you released in order to follow the Way of Jesus?

With Children

Children are usually curious about areas of the sanctuary such as the baptism font, pulpit, and communion table. Take them on a tour from the entrance through the body of the congregation to the sanctuary, inviting them to help you explain what happens at each point to help people connect with God. Find a picture of Solomon’s Temple in a book or on the Internet and point out the equivalent areas.

Sermon Starter

A few years ago while at a conference in Melbourne, I met a woman who had joined an Anglican order of nuns in Europe. Before joining, she had played the oboe in an orchestra before the strong sense that she was being called to a life of prayer led her to the order. I asked if she still played the oboe. “No,” she said. “Joining the order meant maintaining silence so that everyone could be at prayer every moment of the day without any distractions. I was only permitted to play the oboe once a year for half a day.” She gave up this and other activities, and she embraced other disciplines to be a nun.


In prayer before the gathered people, Solomon embraces the promises that God made to his father David and calls on God to fulfill them.


The writer of Ephesians describes the items we need to embrace or “wear” in order to be equipped to follow Jesus. Wearing and fighting in Roman legion armour was not an easy task and took months of practice. The “armour” of Jesus takes practice to wear as well. Some of Jesus’ disciples were finding it difficult to continue to follow him because his teachings meant that they needed to do something: they needed to take action.

Following the way of Jesus is challenging; it takes courage, strength, and perseverance. What are the things that we need to set aside and what are the things we need to embrace in order to follow Jesus?


Hebrew Scripture

VU 325            “Christ is made the sure foundation”

VU 660            “How firm a foundation”



VU p. 766        “As the deer pants for the water”

MV 29             “How lovely is your dwelling place”



VU 646            “We are marching”

VU 684            “Make me a channel of your peace”

VU 686            “God of grace and God of glory”



VU 500            “Blessed Jesus, at your word”

VU 560            “O Master, let me walk with thee”

VU 651            “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah”