February 19 – Transfiguration Sunday

February 19 – Transfiguration Sunday


2 Kings 2:1–12

Elijah is taken up into heaven.


Psalm 50:1–6 (VU p. 775)

God summons the earth.


2 Corinthians 4:3–6

The light of knowledge shines in our hearts.


Mark 9:2–9

The transfiguration of Jesus.


To display the magnificence and complexity of our earth, show a series of mountain scenes (in different seasons or of different mountain ranges) on a screen or projected onto a wall.

Theme Engagement Question

Where are the places you go to feel closer to God?

With Children

Tell the story of the transfiguration in your own words. Ask the children if they have ever gone up a mountain—by car, by hiking, or even by train, gondola, or chairlift. In biblical times, mountains were thought to be places where people could get closer to God. Moses went up the mountain in Exodus and was given the revelation of the Ten Commandments. Jesus went up a mountain and received God’s revelation: “This is my Son, the Beloved.” Remind the children in simple words what is mentioned in the Ten Commandments and how they are summarized by Jesus’ Great Commandment to “love God, love our neighbours, and ourselves.”

Sermon Starter

Talk about a personal experience of going to the top of a mountain, sharing how you felt at the top and how you felt on the way down. Recount briefly the story of what happened to Jesus on the top of the mountain. Consider and share in your homily how you think Peter, James, and John may have felt (they fell asleep at the top; they were afraid on the way down). Why did they feel these emotions? Do you think this experience changed them? Talk about how an experience of the holy changes us, using a present-day example to help illustrate.


Hebrew Scripture

VU 103            “How good, Lord, to be here”

VU 232            “Joyful, joyful we adore you”



VU 389            “God is here”

VU 399            “God, whose love is reigning o’er us”



VU 82              “A light is gleaming”

VU 96              “Will you come and see the light”



VU 59              “Joy to the world”

VU 104            “We have come at Christ’s own bidding”

VU 299            “Teach me, God, to wonder”

VU 681            “Where cross the crowded ways of life”

MV 103           “Ka mana’o ’I ’O”

MV 135           “Called by earth and sky”

MV 144           “Like a healing stream”

MV 162           “Christ, within us hidden”

MV 172           “God says”