Prayers for Worship
Epiphany 2
January 15, 2012

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Free at last! Free at last! Thank Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that we are free at last, thanks be to Christ.
People: Jesus, our Rabbi, is the Son of God, the King of Israel.
Leader: Our Epiphany-Savior bids us to come and see.
People: The Messiah will show us great things. Alleluia!


God of Samuel and Nathanael, you have searched us out and known us. We hear you calling us, and by the Spirit’s power we follow you. Edify us to live as the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Lord of Light we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Theo-luminescent Yahweh, we exalt you for sending Jesus to die and rise for our salvation, but oh, how we sin against you! We are quick to be elitist, thinking we are better than those people from Nazareth. We hasten to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and self-centered as humans. We claim to treat everyone equally but then demean each other, often in subtle, self-justifying ways. We fail to treat one another as the temple of the Holy Spirit, violating each other’s bodies.

By Christ’s love, forgive us. Lead us to the light. Wash us. Open our ears to your voice. Yes.

Words of Assurance

Alleluia! We are the baptized, the called! Because of the Son of Man, the Almighty forgives you all your sins. Go, and love one another as God has loved us. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Speak, Lord; your servants are listening.

Prayers of the People

You have called and guided the Church, Supremely Wise Mother. We thank you for that extraordinary prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspire us to live out his dream of judging people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Help us not to do lip-service to equality but to devote our whole selves to equality. God of Oneness, (congregational response: guide us to listen to you.).

Three-in-One, Jesus prays for us to be one as you are one. We often allow our disagreements in the Church to rip us apart. Humble us to disagree but still be united, remembering that we in the Church can do your work more effectively when we work together. God of Oneness, . . .

God of body and soul, our bodies are sacred, yet we often desecrate them. Teach us to take better care of ourselves. Heal us of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, tobacco abuse, overeating, and sexual misconduct. Lead us to honor our bodies and the bodies of one another. God of Oneness, . . .

Over and over, Mother, you restore us. Heal each person in need, including everyone we mention now in our hearts or with our lips. [Add names.] Tutor us to be your healing assistants. God of Oneness, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

Transform our prayers into healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We come to you with these gifts. Use them for the good of all. Yes.


Leader: The One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, knows you, has called you, has made you sacred.
People: We go and see Christ in one another, free at last. Alleluia!
