Prayers for Worship
Advent 1C
December 2, 2012

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
People: We do not fear the Last Days. We rejoice, because of the Advents.
Leader: God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is our righteousness.
People: We are alert at all times, our hearts focused on the Messiah.


God of Hope, because of you we do not fear the future but face it with confidence that Christ will be with us. Keep us alert against evil and for Messiah-advents. We pray in that messiah’s name. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Leader: We are to be on our guard, keep alert.

All: God, we weigh our hearts down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life. We have fear about the future instead of hope. We are haughty instead of humble. You try to instruct us sinners, but we just turn up the volume on the TV to drown you out.
Leader: For the sake of the Coming One, forgive us. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Christ was born to save. Christ was born to save. Through the Messiah, God forgives you all your sins. You are new.

Prayer of Inspiration


Prayers of the People

Advent-God, we are staggering and lost, falling down, without your light. We praise you for guiding us over and over with your light. We thank you, God, (congregational response: for coming to us.).
We praise you, Mother, for your servant Nicholas. Teach us to be so giving. We thank you, God, . . .
We praise you, Daddy, for our nation and the magnificence of creation. Tutor us on how to care better for all suffering creatures. We thank you, God, . . .
We remember with solemn gratitude those who died at Pearl Harbor so long ago. May we learn from them how to be more giving. We thank you, God, . . .
We are quick to despair. Expand our capacity for theo-optimism. We thank you, God, . . .
So many are hungry, lost, and aggrieved this season, Lord. So many. Bless every creature in need of healing, including all we mention now. [Add names.] Enlarge our compassion. We thank you, God, . . .
(You may add other praises and petitions here...)
We exalt you for hearing us. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

Accept our gifts that we lay before you in accord with your advents.


Leader: God, Three-in-One, shines hope-blue upon each of us, scatters the darkness.
People: We enter the cold carrying the candle. We must. Yes.
