Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Easter 3 by Ron Gordon

Luke 24: 36b-48


Eternal God, you make all and make all new again. You affirm the truth of Jesus’ life, his words and deeds, and his cruel death by raising him. You give him back to us as the new being in whom is forgiveness of sins and life eternal. Father, you show us that Jesus, with you and the Holy Spirit is always the same in grace and truth. Glory be to God for ever. Amen.

God of mystery, your being is hidden from us but shown to us through men and women who have shared your thoughts and known your ways. You have shown us yourself above all in a human life like ours in Jesus of Nazareth. You made us to love, to be free, to have our own thoughts and to make our own decisions. In Jesus we see just how free and loving human life can be. He is the proof of your way of dealing with us in love and mercy. We worship you, God and Father of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, we are one with your first disciples in desiring evidence before we believe; but you satisfy our scepticism, and our insatiable curiosity! In your glorified being you are present to us all by the Spirit. You never leave us, and you offer us yourself to taste and see. You point us to the Scriptures which offer communion with our God. Lord Jesus you are the fulfilled hope of your people and the promise for the future for all who long for love, justice and peace. We worship, you Jesus, our God and our Brother. Spirit of our God, source of wisdom, insight and faith, you aid us in our devotions and point us to our mission in the world today as those who continue the work of Jesus. Where we have failed, we ask you to re-connect us with Jesus, to know his loving power and to share in his risen life. Giver of all good gifts, we worship you with the Father and the Son, for ever and ever. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
what if... by Jenn Gordon
you stand among us smelling of broken bread and invite us to touch but I can’t reach out because, what if … what if I feel torn flesh beneath my fingers and your woundedness seeps into the pit of my soul and the world’s pain screams, tortured and unrelenting through the holes in your hands what if... what if I feel nothing and you withdraw your offer, moments before I have a chance to connect with the presence of you in the room and I am left fumbling and foolish clutching at air, reaching for everything, anything, anywhere, what if … what if you stand among us and all our defences and reasons for unbelief fall to the floor like old undies and in our nakedness and shame you forgive us, clothe and send us, in your name (Comments to Jenn at