Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Proper 18 by Ron Gordon

Mark 7:24-37


Eternal God, you disclosed your name to the fathers and mothers of Israel through Moses and the prophets and taught Israel to walk in your ways. In Jesus you showed your concern for the people of other nations as he went beyond barriers and borders to help, heal and feed men and women. Keep us aware that your grace is free and for all. May we reflect this is our daily living, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father, your grace towards us is grounded in Jesus, through his words and deeds, his life and death and resurrection. He showed us that your kingdom is not restricted by racial, religious or geographic factors, but you warmly welcome us all. Lord Jesus, true reflector of the Father’s love, we delight in your openness in responding to people treated as outsiders with no claim on others. You risked the disapproval and condemnation of others by your life-giving generosity, and in the end you were made to pay for it on the cross. On our neglect of the needs of others, when we might have aided them: Lord, have mercy. Lord, you bring hearing to the deaf and speech to the dumb: cure us of the stony deafness which will not hear the needs of your suffering world, nor speak out in their cause: Christ, have mercy. Lord, your presence inspires women and men to persist in their trust that you can aid them. Be present to us that all through our lives we may hold firmly to you and your grace. Lord, have mercy. With your people through all ages we are astounded beyond measure by the way that you do all things well. Blessed indeed is our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
ephphatha by Jenn Gordon
Mark 7: 24-37 they are not your fingers, but mine that are lodged firmly in my ears because I don’t want to hear the cries of the world, the wimperings and the wailings are too heavy and too long and when I choose not to listen to the grieving and the groaning all you can say is ephphatha - be opened earthquakes cause landslides, faded wars rage on bombs explode any hope of peace and men and women die before they are old and there are so many stories untold and hidden in those words and when I choose not to speak for the voiceless and the lost all you can say is ephphatha – be opened Jesus, open my heart again, before you open my ears and my mouth. (Comments to Jenn at