Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Proper 21 by Ron Gordon

Mark 9: 38-50


Most loving and generous God, we see your true character mirrored in Jesus, your servant Son. He was glad when men and women were liberated from forces of oppression, by himself, his disciples or by others. May all your people have such generosity of spirit and rejoice in all triumphs of your grace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Eternal God, creator of all, and the giver of wisdom and insight, skill and learning: you speak with us through the words of scripture, through the deeds of your creativity, and through the gift of Immanuel to our human race. We have come to know you as the Holy One who demands justice and mercy, and who offers love and acceptance. Blessed are you forever. Lord Jesus Christ, where people, even amongst your disciples, display a form of exclusivism, you are open to the work of others. We confess that we tend to follow the disciples rather than our Lord in criticizing and excluding others. Lord, have mercy. Lord, at times your ‘little ones’ have been overlooked by arrogance or ignorance of churches or persons. We have neglected our obligations of hospitality. In our failure to recognize their needs we have failed to serve you. Christ, have mercy. Blessed Spirit, you help us to live close to Jesus and become his people in the world. You help us to share with others in his company and so become his body at work in the world. Where we insist on operating on our own, and ignoring your work in us and with us, Lord, have mercy. Holy and glorious is the One who forgives us and gives us new opportunities to share in the way of Jesus and to live as his people in the world. Blessed is God forever. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
there is a time by Jenn Gordon
there is a time when the extraneous parts become too heavy to carry dragging us deep beneath the billowing waves of too many stormy seas all the added extras make millstones and we sink under the weight of our own importance and reaching out only drags others under in our struggle to survive there is a time when release is more important than acquisition when we understand that in returning to our salty selves stripped of the costume of names and things we become who we are and in this time there is communion life with the giver who seasons us and the surprising gathered who pass the salt (Comments to Jenn at