Epiphany 3

Prayers for Worship Epiphany 3 by Ron Gordon
Luke 4: 14-21
Eternal God, you gave Jesus the Spirit to support him in his words and work. In him your promise and the peoples’ hope meet and are fulfilled. Give your church the same Spirit to enliven and accomplish the mission Jesus has given us. We ask in his name. Amen.
Lord God you are enthroned on the praises of your people, but you look not for empty words or pious phrases from us, but for the pursuit of justice and mercy, and for the desire for peace amongst people. This we know through Jesus who came to us, met with us and gave himself for us. Blessed is God forever. Lord Jesus, you underwent baptism for us, faced temptation and strengthened by the Spirit you overcame and commenced your mission amongst us, proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour. Your good news comes to the poor, you proclaim release to captives, new sight for the blind, and you let the oppressed go free. Blessed is God forever. Holy Spirit, you energised the words and deeds of Jesus, sustained him through good times and bad, and used his words to inspire faith and acceptance in his hearers. You speak with us now and help us walk the way of Jesus and show his light and love in the world. Blessed is God forever. Lord, on hearers who delight in the words of Jesus, but do not follow them up with faith and obedience: Lord have mercy. Lord, when we do not respond with justice and peace towards others, nor care for their well being: Christ, have mercy. Lord, when we praise you with our voices but our heart is not in it: Lord, have mercy. You are the one who offers us forgiveness of sins when we turn to you. We praise and adore you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
homecoming by Jenn Gordon
Luke 4 :14-21 what had been the future for so long arrived today when he came home he stood to read and how the boy had grown he spoke his mission statement in the town where he was raised old prophet’s words fell loud and new upon the silence like drops of oil they flowed from head to toe and no one looked away it is accomplished, he said fulfilled, made real and breathing here today but people get addicted to the wait lusting after longing they would rather seek tomorrow than touch the present tense because what it means is that the time has come and what is past is gone, changed, never to return and change releases fear and tears and fury no hometown boy can tell them how to speak their sacred story © Jennie Gordon 2009 (Comments to Jenn at jennieg@labyrinth.net.au.)