O SHEPHERD GOD Hymn Text by Timothy Haut
(TUNE: WELWYN) O Shepherd God, you bring us to the meadows Where soft rains fall upon the grasses green. There we may rest in the safety of your watching, With peace at last, our hearts can be serene. O Shepherd God, you guide us through the mountains Where paths are steep and danger makes us fear. Then we press on into the unknown country, Trusting your promise always to be near. O Shepherd God, some day we’ll face the valley Where death’s grim shadows ‘round our hearts descend. Call us by name, and put your arms around us, Bringing us safely to our journey’s end. O Shepherd God, now make a feast before us Where all your lambs may join to give you praise; And gather us with grateful jubilation In that great love where we may live always. (Comments to Tim at congregational.chrch@snet.net)