April 2, 1995 Rev

Dancing in the Tomb

By Sally Harris


(Isaiah 65: 17-19, 24-25; John 20:1-18)


Surprising God like Mary, we come to the tomb expecting

death, despair and darkness.

May the light of Your new day surprise us, like it did Mary.

God turn our weeping into dancing. Amen



morning came:

I put the leash

on Sadness

and took him

for a walk in the rain;

I turned the kettle on

and watched my hopes

steam away;

I stirred my life

and gorged on its

bitterness. [T. Shuman]

Overwhelmed by sadness…

I just wanted to sit in the darkness of my bedroom and weep…

Weep at the loss of one so kind…

so strong…

so bold…

so loving….

so needed in a world full of …

death and the predictable…     

the cookie cutter versions of humanity with thin,

tight smiles,

veiled eyes and carefully constructed scripts that betray 

a learned friendliness,


death of life:  

the superficiality;

the duplicity;

the disparity….

humanity’s inhumanity


Somehow Jesus brought light into all this darkness…

somehow he breathed life into dead traditions




bringing wholeness

offering a balance,

a clarity,

an honesty

Our world needed someone like Jesus….

Doesn’t yours?


You know…

one fully alive ….

living authentically, 

walking humbly with their God

saying what they mean and meaning what they say….


Alas… perhaps the mold was thrown away when this One died….

And now I sit in darkness….

Looking out the window…

at a still dark Jerusalem….


I note the scattered stars in the sky,

the fires that dot the hills betraying the shepherds’ whereabouts,

and vaguely I hear or maybe I feel the cool breeze rustling the trees…

and indeed there remain a few sporadic orders shouted from a nearby Roman garrison….

Nothing of course like the chaos of the other day…

the shouts and cries of crucify….

I turn away, hoping to stop those hideous sounds and sights from entering into the quiet tomb

I have created for myself.

Quietly in the mist arising from the cooling earth I recount my losses…

not only of the person but now of all the relationships this person helped define…

the community in the throes of treachery and rejection

the rift that separates some of us from others…

those we once trusted and believed in…

their faithful acts now tainted by betrayal and denial.


My heart is not strong enough for this;

I plead to an…

absent God…

a God that forsook the one bright star of redemption

all the other rifts of community,

of friendship,

of religious authority

that sought to destroy such beauty

are mere gashes compared to the gaping wound…

the abyss created by this unknown,



non-existent God

The sun will soon rise,

and I must pull myself out of this mourning malaise…

rising to meet a sad new day where all hope has been drained out

and I am left with only a vague sense of what to do now….

I know I must be faithful to a promise I have made….

I must see this through to the end…

I will myself to walk to the shrine of death… 

violence and death…

the gods we worship

the gods that we most offer to one another…

threaten each other with….

I will annihilate you with my power,

my sword,

my words,

withholding life

And oh for shame,

the one who saw such action clearly  -

who spoke against the sword;

claiming the power of love,

of creating love…

was outdone by the power of hate and fear…

violence and death rule the world…

that is my Sabbath lesson….

numbed by the learning of it.


Oh… perhaps my senses are not as numb as my spirit for suddenly I catch a whiff of a fragrance

of lavender…

perhaps still lingering on my garments from another anointing.

Oh…perhaps my mind is more greatly disturbed than I know…

am I seeing things….

Are daffodils spreading their petals? 

Are the trees fully clothed in blossoms?

Is the stone missing?

The stone…

the stone IS missing!

The body IS missing….

I must tell the others…

(choir sings gently - The Stone’s been rolled away…)

Peter and the beloved have been here and gone…

I stayed by the tomb still caught in my tomb…

full of grief…


death defining me…

not life…

My eyes were blurred with the pouring out of them…

I did not believe what I saw –

I did not believe what I was told –

no one could convince me he was alive…

I wanted to anoint his body….

Where is his body?


I did not recognize him…

Why did I not know him?

I loved him,

anointed him,

followed him,

I knew his movements,

his voice….

Yes I recognized his voice!

Love called my name and the fear was vanquished…

oh not the fear of death…

we humans are accustomed to that…

we live in the shadow of that…

the safety of the stone…

the trustworthiness of the tomb..

we give death power and it renders us immobile….

My real fear was of the rising…

of the fearful light of Easter.

The fear of living.

Fear of life in a different world,

God’s world,

where even stones are moved.

(choir sings lively - The Stone’s been rolled away…)


the rebirth of relationships across a terrible divide –

the hope of re-connection,


re-newal –

the rising of Love in the garden of the world

    where angels laugh as death

    is kicked out of the tomb;

    and Jesus does cartwheels

    through the graveyard,

    splashing through

    the puddles of our tears

    and into our hearts. [T. Shuman]

Indeed this morning we dance in the tomb…


(Comments to Sally at docks@SHAW.CA)

Trinity United Church

1805 Larch St.


British Columbia, Canada

V6K 3N9
