Sixth Sunday of Easter (Cycle “C”)
May 13, 2007

Q. 423: Is the lesson from the First Reading (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29) intended to simply do away with the ritual of circumcision in the Christian community?

A. 423:
There is more involved in this Reading than the “sign” of the Old Covenant, circumcision. Elsewhere St. Paul has made his case that Abraham was justified (“right with God”) because he “believed” God before circumcision became a “sign.” Therefore, it was not right to force a ritual on newcomers (Gentiles) if “belief” is the first criterion of salvation.

More importantly, we see that serious dissension within the Church over ancient rituals was resolved by taking the issue to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. Their final decision has these important lines: “Some…without any instructions from us have upset you… It is the decision of the Holy Spirit, and ours too, not to lay on you any burden beyond that which is strictly necessary…” Disciplines (not dogmas) can be changed by the proper authorities, as in this case.

That decision was carried back to Antioch (the third largest city in the Roman Empire at that time) by two representatives of the Jerusalem Church, and accepted by the Church in Antioch. Later when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans (c. 70 A.D.), the official church center would move from Jerusalem to Rome.

Clearly the authority of the apostles is evident in this decision of the “Jerusalem Council” – an authority that was later passed on to their successors, the bishops who were united with the Holy Father in Rome. The authority of the Magisterium (official teaching office of the Church) in matters of faith and morals comes from Christ (CCC #2033-37) and therefore demands the faithful preaching and teaching of God’s truths.

KNOW YOUR CATECHISM! The New Covenant was sealed not with the blood of circumcision, but the blood of Jesus Christ (CCC #610, 613). This and other dogmas are examples of the exercise of authority given to the Church Magisterium by Christ. They are obligatory since they are truths contained in divine Revelation or have a necessary connection with them (CCC #88).

Deacon Paul Rooney
Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha

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