
Dedication of Lateran Basilica

November 9, 2003

by Paul Rooney




Text: Jn 2:13-22 "cleansing of the Temple




We heard from a very angry Jesus in today's gospel!  This is one of those rare times when we see St. John sharing a story that is also found in Matthew, Mark and Luke.


In Matthew and Luke, Jesus is angry about the abuse of worship itself in the Temple; in Mark, Jesus is angry about the failure to open the Temple to all nations.  But in John, Jesus' anger and opposition is not so much an opposition to what goes on within the Temple, but opposition to the Temple itself.(1)  St. John's Gospel always stresses what bible scholars call "replacement" themes.  Jesus has replaced the Temple as the focal point of worship.  Jesus himself is now the New Temple.  It is from and through Jesus, that flow the "living waters" that Ezekiel spoke about in the First Reading (Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12).


There is indeed such a thing as "holy anger," which is a zealous reaction to false teaching or conduct that would lead us away [gesture to large crucifix] from this flow of "living water," and away from the values that He taught us.


Today we take our religious freedom "for granted," which is sad — sad because our pagan American culture is acting like a "sewer rat," silently nibbling away at our religious freedom, while claiming to protect it by means of a bizarre attempt to drive a wedge between God and all public human activity.  No mention of God in public schools; no mention of God at public gatherings; no mention of God as a basis for court deliberations; and especially no mention of Judeo-Christian ethics as a basis for public policy.  Only 11 weeks ago, Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria, Illinois, stated publicly that [read slowly]


"the pervasive culture of 21st century America is basically at war with Jesus Christ and living in direct opposition to the truth of his Gospel and is aggressively hostile to his Church"(2). 


And what do you think Catholics do about this hostility?  Many Catholics would rather "just not think about it," hoping the problem will "go away" or be resolved by someone else.  I am afraid that they have missed the last ferry boat, because scripture is constantly challenging us about attacks on Truth, about social injustice, and about our need to change unjust systems.  The term "unjust systems" includes both self-serving political systems, and systems of political thought that violate God's law — and therefore the dignity of humans as well.  Laws or court decisions permissive of Abortion; laws destructive to the sanctity of the Marriage bond between a man and a woman; and laws which prevent even the mention of the name of God, are just three of many examples.


Some people think we have created a "no-win" political system.  It seems to leave us a choice between either those politicians who have no respect for life (which means those claiming to be pro-choice); or those politicians whose actions both favor and increase the gap between the minority rich over the majority poor.  Well, there is always hope.  Just two weeks ago our American bishops said that the answer is to get more Catholics involved, participating in the political scene, both by action and by voting.  What we need, they said, is "a new kind of politics — focused on moral principles not on the latest polls."(3)


Our Pagan Culture with its pro-choice High Priests will insist that there is no moral law other than "majority vote" - as if Morality can be legislated by anyone other than God!  They forget that God did not take a popular vote; he Commanded!  These New High Priests of our Pagan American Culture would say that "sin" or evil is "relative" – if you don't think it is sinful or evil, then it "isn't" – or at least that is how they try to flim-flam us.


The Gospel call is an Ethical Demand.  It Demands that we respond to Jesus' truth, as a Disciple is supposed to respond.  We need to read the "signs of the times."  Listen to what Pope John Paul II teaches: 


"Many things can be taken from us Christians.  But we will not let the Cross as a sign of salvation be taken from us.  We will not let it be removed from public life!  We will listen to the voice of our conscience, which says:  "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5: 29).(4)


The "Old High Priests" also tried to destroy Jesus.  And THIS [gesture to the large crucifix] was the immediate result of that attempt.  But Jesus had warned them: "Destroy this [gesture to large crucifix] Temple, and in three days I will raise it up."  So even though they tried to destroy this temple forever [gesture to large crucifix], it did not work — in three days, he rose from the dead!


That's why we are here today!  We BELIEVE in this Jesus Christ [gesture to large crucifix].  We BELIEVE that he speaks to us through the Apostles, and their Successors the Bishops gathered in Unity with the Pope.  We BELIEVE that he speaks to us today through the teachings of the Magisterium.  It is Jesus Christ, the Crucified and Risen Jesus, the Son of God, that we will follow, NOT a diseased pagan culture that is surrounding us and attacking our God-given values.


Remember the "holy anger" of Jesus at the desecration of the Temple in today's gospel story?   Well, listen to another word from Bishop Daniel Jenky:


"…why do we as Catholics not stand up and fight, and defend our faith? What will it take to finally get us mad?"(1)


That is the question of the hour — How effective is our Catholic Unity?  When will we finally read the "signs of the times"?  What WILL it finally take to get us mad, with a "holy anger"?  Jesus told us, "He who is not with me is against me" (Mt 12:30).


Where is the Good News?  It is from the Temple of Jesus Christ, and his Holy Catholic Church, that we receive the living waters of Baptism, and the Living Bread that is Jesus himself in Holy Eucharist.  Jesus loves us "no matter what," and THAT is the Good News!  We are pilgrims on a journey, and we need to fix our eyes on only one Goal, eternal life — not life lived according to Babylon, but life lived in union with Jesus Christ and according to His values!  Be nourished at the altar with the "living water" of Jesus Christ, his own body and blood!  Then go out and change the world!  Nothing is impossible to God!



(1) A  thought from Fr. Stephen Doyle.

(2) August 24, 2003; see http://www.angelfire.com/ne/DeaconPaul/Articles/Jenky.html.

(3) "Faithful Citizenship," Oct. 17, 2003.  See www.usccb.org/faithfulcitizenship/index.htm.

(4) " Plant the Cross of Christ in your life!", Homily of Pope John Paul II; June 24, 1998.


Deacon Paul Rooney

Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha
