Love Busts Us Out
Easter Sunday April 24, 2011
Love Busts Us Out
by Paul Larsen
Hate put Jesus on the cross. Love busted him out of the tomb. Hate caused Jesus to be falsely arrested, unjustly tried and killed for a crime he did not commit. God’s love busted him out. God raised him from the grave and gave him new life. With his resurrection we are given new life also. The glorious good news of Easter is that God’s love busts us out of the prisons and graves that hold us captive. Christ’s resurrection set us free to live in the knowledge that we are loved, we are forgiven, we are set free to serve our God.

There are so many things that can imprison us. Fear is one of them. Many people are afraid of death. We certainly don’t want to die.

Now, I don’t know that we were born to die, but I do know that we don’t need to fear death. God in Christ has defeated death. Just as God raised Jesus from the dead so God has promised to resurrect us. He has promised, Even though we die, yet we will live. We don’t need to fear death because love busted Jesus out of the grave and defeated death. God’s love will bust us out also for He has promised to raise us up and welcome us into His eternal kingdom. Jesus has promised us that he has prepared a place for us where we will dwell with him forever.

Being set free from our fear of death can change our life. It can assure us that we do not need to be afraid of things in life as well. We all have so many things that threaten us and can fill us with fear.
The economy scares us. The world is in trouble so we are afraid that we might lose our job or that we might lose our house or that we might outlive our retirement funds.
Kids can be afraid that other kids won’t like or accept them. They can be afraid that they won’t be accepted by the college of their choice or that when they graduate they won’t be able to find a job.
We can be fearful of getting cancer or suffering from dementia or getting in an accident. There are just so many things that can imprison us with fear.

We can find ourselves locked in dark dungeons of terror and fright, but God’s love busts us out. God’s boundless love shown to us in Christ’s willingness to die for us on the cross, sets us free from fear. When God defeated death by busting Jesus out of the grave he showed us that He is powerful enough to set us free from all that frightens us.

When Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb there was a great earthquake and an angel of the Lord rolled back the stone and his appearance was like lightening. And they were afraid. But the angel said to the women, Do not be afraid. Angels always say that. It is almost always the first thing they say and they are still saying it to us. God has promised to be with us always. God has promised to give us the strength and courage to face whatever comes our way. With his presence and power, with his love and grace God busts us out of our prisons of fear.

We can be imprisoned by addiction, by a dead end job, by hatred and prejudice, by grief and loneliness, by so many things. But God’s love can bust us out. God’s love, which is stronger than death, is strong enough to empower us to live a new life – a resurrected life.

ELCA Presiding Bishop, Mark Hanson tells of meeting Pastor Lauvanus, president of the Lutheran Church of Haiti. As they walked through the ruins and rubble that lie in the aftermath of Haiti's earthquake, Pastor Lauvanus proclaimed, "We will not be defined by rubble, but by restoration, for we are a people of the resurrection".

Baptized into Jesus' death and raised to newness of life we, too, are people of the resurrection. We, too, are about God's work of restoration. We can live a life where we know that there is nothing that can ever separate us from God’s love and where we can share that love with everyone around us.

One of the hardest prisons to bust out of is the prison of anger and resentment. When someone has hurt us deeply it is very difficult to forgive them.

When we find ourselves locked up by anger and resentment love can bust us out. Seeing the unconditional love of Christ can set us free. We are free to share the good news of that amazing love and that gift of forgiveness with others.

The message of Easter tells us that we have new life. We are resurrection people. We are set free from the fear of death for we know God promises to raise us to new life.

God’s love can set us free from fear, anxiety and worry for we know that God has promised to be with us and give us the strength we need.

God’s forgiveness can set us free from our guilt and shame and even from our anger and resentment. Knowing that we are loved and forgiven can empower us to love and forgive those who have wronged us.

Alleluia! Christ is risen. God’s love has busted us out of our prisons and set us free to live a new life. Amen.

(Comments to Paul at