Love's Discontent

Love's Discontent by Tammy Nelson
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." When these words were first recorded, the author was speaking about Jesus. He was using an argument that the learned people of the day could understand. And of course his meaning is still valid. But as I was reading this passage again this week something else came to mind. "In the beginning was love." It was not content to remain as a word, isolated, alone. In love's breath all creation took root. Love molded and fashioned humanity in it's image and gave us the capacity to love in return. Love was not content to remain a word, even when his chosen people betrayed and fled him time after time. Even then Love acted. Patiently wooing them back to himself. Protecting with his own hand those who had spurned him yet again. Love was not content to remain a word, some distant concept to discuss and debate. Instead, love became human and walked in our midst. Pouring out lavishly aspects of himself. Mercy, grace, affection, kindness, fellowship, devotion, peace, belonging. Aspects that had before been words themselves and elusive to truly understand. Love was not content to remain a word, said with little thought on a good day. Love knew we were destined for death and separation from him unless he somehow intervened. We were not ready for love. We couldn't understand it. Not the way Love tried to explain himself. So we killed love. But love understood so much better than us. He accepted this because that was the only way he could save us from ourselves. He took our place. We didn't ask for it, we didn't deserve it, but he did it anyway. Love was not content to remain a word. Stronger than death, love rose from the grave. Our puny attempt was not enough to hold love back. Love was not content to remain a word. Despite our blindness, despite our fear, he still seeks to make himself known. Not content to remain a word, he constantly acts through the lives of those he has befriended, aka the church. And when our love becomes action in the lives of a world that is hurting, then people will be drawn to the love that we share and to the God that we know. Love is not content to remain a word, so let us not be content in making it so. (Comments to Tammy at San Leandro, CA