Prayers for Worship
Advent 3
December 14, 2003

Prayers for Worship
by George Villa

Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs.

(a brief silence)

Almighty God: You call us through your prophets to be ready for your presence among us. Give us the wisdom and will to look upon this time of preparation, to grow in steadfast faith and anticipation with a joy at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: LORD IN YOUR MERCY Hear our prayer

BLESSED JESUS: Teach us your ways that we may be strengthened by your Spirit. Defend us us from all tempation in life, which calls us into death and darkness. Help us to see your light as the truth for a full and abundant life here on earth: LORD IN YOUR MERCY Hear our prayer

COME HOLY SPIRIT: Descend upon us. Reveal to us the truth which leads us to salvation. Help us to see your presence here and now so that our paths of self-deceit and sin may be turned into paths of righteousness for your name's sake: LORD IN YOUR MERCY Hear our prayer

We hold up in prayer our Bishop, Dean Nelson and all faithful pastors. We pray for all ministers of your holy word, that they may serve you with steadfast love;

Guide all political leaders throughout the world that they may make decisions for the good of world peace. Grant us a love for justice and righteouesness in Christ's name:

We pray for peace in the Middle East and throughout the world where war, hunger, and injustice prevail

Watch over the men and women in our military service and their families;

Heavenly Father, we ask that you bless those we pray for in the silence of our hearts and those we pray for with voice alound: (a few moments of silence for petitions); LORD IN YOUR MERCY Hear our prayer.

Into your hands O Lord, we commennd all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(St. John Ev. Lutheran Church, Gardena)