Ordinary 13
Ordinary 13
by Lanie LeBlanc OP

The message from Scripture for today's readings is similar to last week's. In the Gospel, Jesus tells Jairus, a synagogue official, "Do not be afraid, just have faith" at a real moment of crisis. The man had just been told that his daughter had died. The man continued to believe in spite of the weeping and wailing of the people and the ridicule that was aimed as Jesus. He was astounded when his daughter walked around. Such faith was also exhibited by the woman who was afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years and who was cured by just touching Jesus's clothes. These two people had faith in situations that seemed impossible. Perhaps they were numb by the seriousness of what was going on and feeling quite helpless, but yet not despairing.

Jesus was there and they acted.

Don't you know folks in similar circumstances today ? Are you perhaps one of them ? What happens in these cases? Is there panic or trust? Maybe there is a little of both ! Again, Jesus is there and we must act. We must believe. The results may not be as favorable because "no" is still a possible answer, but Jesus still answers.

We are told in the first reading from the book of Wisdom that "God formed man (and woman) to be imperishable". We are made in God's image, made wholesome, and God breathed into us His very own breath.

We simply must trust a God like that ! We are made to be imperishable unless we choose the devil and his death sentence. No matter what happens on earth, we are God's own unless we choose to change allegiance. No matter what happens on earth covers a lot of territory and situations... but God can take care of all of them, each and every one to be exact.

As we let all of this sink into our lives, perhaps we can look a bit at the suggestion of St. Paul to the Corinthians about equality in which those with abundance share with those in need. Poverty and richness deal with financial situations but also with emotional ones. We can help ourselves and each other as well by claiming our connection with God and acting as if there is enough of God's creation, care, and love to go around to everyone. We can act that way because it is that way, honest ! We can believe, just like the people in today's Gospel, because our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

(Comments to Lanie at lanieleblanc@mindspring.com.)