A Servant's Heart

A Servant's Heart by Anna Murdock
Several years ago, a friend gave me a wonderful calendar. This calendar was made for a local church and each month’s picture was a drawing by a child of the church. January’s drawing was that of the church building itself and in the child’s handwriting were the words, "I love my church", "church rules!", and "I’ll be at my church until I die" (I’m assuming that he was excited about that). July’s drawing was that of Noah’s ark complete with elephants and giraffes. All of the drawings were wonderful. But the one page that caught my eye and moved me beyond the appreciation of these children’s contributions was not a drawing at all. A child had placed a photograph of himself on the page and written the words, "Lord, what do you want to do through me?" This child’s words are the very same words of Mary… "I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said." These are the words of any of our Lord’s servants…. "Lord, what do YOU want to do THROUGH me?" Perhaps that is much of Advent’s purpose for us. This is a time of quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. It is a time to make room in our hearts for Jesus. It is a time to listen with a servant’s heart and respond as we trust in the Lord’s promises. Just as was said to Mary, so it is said to us... "Greetings. The Lord is with you. Do not be afraid. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing!" We are never too ordinary to be used by our Lord. We are never too young, too old, too quiet, or too unlikely to be the tool through which God reaches others. The words of the child and the words of Mary should be our Advent prayer. "Lord, what do you want to do through me? I make myself completely and wholly available to you." What I love about this child’s question to God is that it stopped where it stopped! "Lord, what do you want to do through me?" He adds no stipulations nor does he attempt to place any perimeters on God. He simply says, "I’m available." This is a heart not unlike Mary’s heart. This is truly a servant’s heart, for you see, God’s willing and obedient servants are without options. There is no "I" or "me" in servanthood. There is no bargaining. There is a realization, just as this child has, that servanthood is God working through each of us for the benefit of another. During this Advent season, be quiet and still, prayerful and listening. "Lord, what do you want to do through me?" Hearing the answer might surprise you. "What did you say? You want me to do what? But I am just an ordinary person!" There could possibly be both excitement and hesitation for servanthood will bring us out of our comfort zone and into a world of unfamiliarity. But God’s choice is no mistake. It is not without thought. God chooses to work through you and through me. Stand on holy promises. God is with you always. God is for you. And God will accomplish a holy purpose and plan through you if you place before God a heart that is made willing and obedient through love. Do not fear! A servant’s heart is an available heart…it is the heart of Mary.... it is the heart of this child….it can be your heart as well. "Lord, what do YOU want to do THROUGH me?" (Comments to Anna at abmurdo@northstate.net.) Worship Team Leader Broad Street UMC Statesville, NC