24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Cycle "C" - September 12, 2004)

Q. 284:   I agree that our Lord came to call sinners, and that he died for our sins and redeemed me.   So why do I need "Church"?

A. 284:
  Acknowledging that you were "redeemed" by Jesus Christ is one concrete way of agreeing that you are a "sinner" in need of salvation.   St. Paul eloquently expressed the great love and patience of God in dealing with him, "the foremost of sinners" in our Second Reading today (1 Tm 1:16).   But the offer of love and mercy is just that: an offer.   No gift is forced; it requires something from you and me.

The "seeker" of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son is a symbol of God, an unconditional lover who is constantly looking for us and inviting you and me to return to covenant faithfulness.   All three readings today point to God's patience with his wayward children (Ex 32:14; 1 Tm 1:16) as well as God's festive joy at their return (Lk 15:6,9,24).

Jesus left a sobering reminder in today's parables that we not demonstrate arrogance by taking him for granted.   In Luke 15 (verses 7 and 10), he said that the rejoicing by God is over the "sinner who repents."   Often overlooked in these readings is the loving support role of a caring and ministering community - the intercession of Moses in the old covenant, and the mediation of the validly ordained priest in the new covenant.   Acknowledging our sinfulness is necessary; but repentance - asking forgiveness, making amends, and changing our lives - is the next step.   It is through the ministering community by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation that one hears and knows that he is forgiven, if he first sincerely repents and takes steps to reform his behavior.

"Covenant" is impossible without "Church," the members of that covenant.   Jesus empowered that Church, through his Apostles, to minister sacramental healing for our wounded bodies and souls in His name.   To detach oneself from this Church and refuse the offer of healing through Christ's representatives is tantamount to spiritual death.

Know Your Catechism!   Repeatedly we hear in scripture of the joy in heaven over sinners who repent (CCC #545), those who respond to Jesus' invitation and Jesus' way into the kingdom.   God is faithful in his covenant love, and it is this constancy that gave Moses and now gives us the courage to repent and seek forgiveness, and to intercede for others (CCC #2577). Do you seek forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least monthly, or do you choose arrogance and independence instead?

Deacon Paul Rooney
Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha

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