The Lost Sheep

The Lost Sheep
Submitted by Anna Murdock Several years ago, for the children's sermon, our pastor divided the kids into 2 groups. One group consisted of "Good Shepherds" (that included the pastor). The other group consisted of "the Lost Sheep". He asked all of the "Good Shepherds to turn their backs to the congregation and close their eyes. The "Lost Sheep" were instructed to hide anywhere they could find in the sanctuary to hide. Then the "Good Shepherds" persistently searched for the "Lost Sheep". All seemed to go well and the "Good Shepherds" were really proud of finding the "Lost Sheep". A bit later, while our pastor was in the very beginnings of his sermon, we heard a small, frightened voice cry out, "I'm Still Lost"! Some poor child hadn't been found by a Good Shepherd! Lesson learned... there are "lost sheep" in the midst of our congregations... we need only look deep into the eyes (and hearts) of some of those around us. There was a time, 12 years ago, when I silently cried out "I'm Still Lost" as I faithfully sat in the pew, Sunday after Sunday. I thank God for His persistence. (Comments to Anna at Worship Team Leader Broad Street UMC Statesville, NC