Ideas for Children's Sermons

Advent 1B
November 30, 2008

Ideas for Children's Sermons
For the first Sunday in Advent, I invited the children to help me make jello. I had boiling water in a thermos, a bowl, a spoon, a package of jello, a measuring cup, and a pitcher with cold water. It was so much fun--there were lots of children present, who totally engaged in our project of making jello together. As an older child read the directions on the box, we followed her instructions and made the jello... and then I asked them if they wanted to eat some of the jello. Of course they said that it wasn't ready yet...that we had to "wait." Which easily led into naming things we wait for in our everyday lives...which easily led to our talking about what it is that we "wait" for in Advent. It was one of the best children's times we've had in a while.