Breaking the Chains

Easter Sunday April 24, 2011 Breaking the Chains by Tom Cox
One of the loveliest things about Easter is that it …moves. However its unpredictability irritates some in our modern age of calculation and highly defined living. Easter is a bit like an unexpected relative popping their head around the door. And that is as it should be. You can’t tie down Resurrection and new life to some defined date. It happens any day and every day. Resurrection is not resuscitation, or some Buddhist reincarnation. Resurrection means something ended and died and despite all this new life sprung up again. There is no tip-toeing around a tomb. No amount of flower bedecked artificial grass can cover the cavernous gap left in a human heart standing by the new graveside of a loved one. What tomb do we need to leave and rise from? The tomb of “you’re no good” “you’ll drink/gamble/do drugs again.” What stone of unbelief- either that of others in us, or lack of faith in ourselves do we need rolled from the tomb? Sometimes we don’t have the personal, inner strength to make that move. We are literally grounded down by life and by circumstances. If that is your story as you pray in a full Easter Church with maybe less than a heart replete or full with Easter joy, then this is your day. The day of Resurrection, the Sunday of all Sundays, the day of life. There is hope, where life has ended, life will begin- new and wonderfully different. News reporting at a time of global economic crisis all seem to seek to reinforce the gloomiest financial forecasts. It appears that once traders have formed a certain view of the economy, they tend to put greater reliance on evidence that supports that understanding and play down, if not overlook, whatever may contradict it. Was it ever any different. People are more or less the same down the centuries. The First Century was no different in mindset and approach to our cynical age. Take the first followers of Christ. Their view was that it was all over. Their hopes lay buried with him. In some sense we need to speak of the resurrection not of Jesus but of we his followers. We are on this 95th anniversary of the Easter Rising a “Risen people” – or are we? We live in Ireland with unfinished building projects, could I be a builder of peace, with no room for falsehood or corruption, for abuse or manipulation, for violence or racism. The followers of Jesus were changed- what about us? Do we, …could we ….live the eternal message of light and life? (Comment to Tom at